
June 09, 2012  •  Leave a Comment

Late last year I noticed that a number of my friends who take photography as a either a hobby or a profession, all began some kind of 365-like project.  I found the idea to be pretty interesting, but I also felt that my life was just too busy for any such thing.  Eventually a friend-turned-pro in North Carolina announced via Twitter that he too was going to begin one.  I was standing in the train station and decided at that time to begin as well, so I snapped a quick shot of the station, and I was off.  Initially I was shooting something each day, but usually it was a frame or two of something not well planned, as a way of staying in the game.  I started to give it some thought and realized that if I was going to finish this thing, this project, then I was going to have to make some changes.  

First, it needed to become something I wanted to do, rather than something I committed to do.  Second, I needed to relax the rules.  This seems stupid since the only rule I had imposed was that I would post one frame a day for 365 days...  The problem with this constraint was that I found myself shooting just so I could post.  And that was not what this was supposed to be about...   What I really needed was for this project to be the impetus for a change in the way I relate to my camera.  In the past I had carried my camera with me daily, and I used it to document what was going on around me.  It was great fun...  Somewhere along the way the camera got in the way of my day to day life and so I set it down one day and forgot about it, pulling it out for special events only.  That was about twenty years ago. I realized that what I wanted was to get back to that kind of relationship with my camera.  The kind where it was always with me and I was documenting what's going on around me.  So I made my project more about carrying my camera and using it often.  Not necessicarily every day, just often.  And then of course I needed to post the results with some regularity.  What I have found I'd that carrying the camera has become more and more of a natural thing to do, and less of an afterthought, or a chore.  I love taking photos again!  

Also, having an end to the project seemed somewhat artificial, so I  haven't defined an ending point.  I am six months in and I don't see the end on the horizon.  Perhaps this time it will go on forever.  Life at 35mm.


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